School Games Values
The six values of passion, belief, respect, honesty, determination and teamwork were developed by young people to identify what the experience of school sport should be built around. These values have been successfully applied by schools to developing a range of behaviours, qualities and inter-personal skills with their students based on sporting experiences, scenarios and attitudes.
These Core values can be awarded at Intra and inter school competition and festivals as well as across the curriculum and could be used as a reward system in school.
We plan to get staff or leaders that attend our festivals to hand out the spirit certificates
Click below to download the School Games spirits resources:
School Games Spirits - CERTIFICATES:
School Games Spirit Certificates (PDF, 374 Kb)
School Games Spirits explained:
School Games Spirits Explained (PDF, 343 Kb)
School Games spirits- STICKERS
We recommend that these values / spirits are portrayed
i) To not only the pupils but perhaps their parents via a newsletter.
ii) Making this a focus on your PE noticeboard
iii) Making staff that attend festivals aware of them so that they can hand out some stickers
iv) Having a sport star(s) of the week based on the spirits