It is important for sport, physical activity and your general health to ensure that you get a good balance of nutrients.
An Overview of Nutrition
The amount and type of food you eat has a major influence on your health. If you eat a well-balanced diet, it can reduce your risk of various diseases as well as help you to maintain a healthy weight. Key nutrients in your diet should include the following:
- Carbohydrates provide you with energy.
- Proteins are another source of energy and essential for the growth and repair of all tissues in your body.
- Fats are a very concentrated source of energy and also have a number of other roles, including helping to transport essential vitamins around your body.
- Vitamins and minerals are important to keep your body healthy and functioning.
Using the interactive tools available via Related Links, you can find more information around healthy and balanced diets, tips on how to get your 5 a day and some great recipes to try at home.