Clubs for All - Inclusion Workshops
SASP strongly believe in the importance and value of sport and physical activity, and how it has the potential to transform lives. Not only can it empower communities, but it can also give individuals the life skills, aspirations, self-esteem and experiences they need to help them have a positive life. Through our 'Clubs for All' training programme, we hope to help all people in Somerset do this.
Our 'Clubs for All' training programme will support community sports clubs who work with people with additional barriers to participation. These barriers may include a disability or long-term health condition, a chaotic home life, living in care, struggling to stay in school or are experiencing changes with their gender identity or sexual orientation. The programme will support clubs to cater for these people and help them become part of that club.
The training will focus on practical strategies to build strong, healthy relationships with fellow players and colleagues. Interactive experiences will bring attendees to an understanding of the different ways of communication and how the club environment can have a big impact on a person's ability to engage with the session.
Clubs for All - Current Workshops:
Disability Awareness Training – Neurodiversity
Neurodivergent means someone who may think, learn or process information differently someone who may think, learn or process information in a different ways to others, or outside of societal norms and standards.
This course will help to explore ways in which clubs can consider their communication and environment to better cater for young people with Autism, ADHD or other neurodiverse conditions.
Disability Awareness Training – Learning, Physical and Sensory
1 in 5 people are disabled and are half as likely to be active as non-disabled people. This course will help to explore ways in which we can better cater for people with a learning, physical or sensory disability by adapting the space, task, equipment or environment we create within our sessions.
ACE’s, Trauma and Attachment Theory – Part 1 & 2 (must book onto part’s 1 and 2 to complete training)
These courses will help you will gain an understanding of young people that have underlying reasons for certain behaviours, such as trauma and chaotic home lives. You will learn practical strategies to build strong, healthy relationships with young people, students, and their families and support them to make positive choices.
Introduction to Conflict Management
This training will help community sports clubs to increase confidence, competence and commitment to supporting individuals with complex needs and behaviours.
'All behaviour is an attempt to meet a need and when you create an environment where needs are met, you create an environment for everyone to thrive'.
This training will take a look at Restorative Practice, which encourages people to take responsibility for their actions, and repair any harm that they have caused. Its use has been found to reduce behaviour problems, improve achievement levels, and develop emotional literacy. It has been found that the restorative approach is extremely effective. Its aim to work with people, rather than doing things to or for them, leads to them feeling heard and involved. As a result, they are more likely to make positive changes in their behaviour.
You will learn practical strategies to build strong, healthy relationships with young people you support and ways to resolve conflict and disruptive beahviour that could arise within your club sessions.
LGBTQ+ Awareness Training
This LGBTQ+ Awareness course raises awareness of the issues faced in sport by lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and queer + (LGBTQ+) people. The course helps clubs to recognise their responsibility for promoting equal opportunities for members within the LGBTQ+ community.