Confident Mover

Confident Mover

Confident Mover

Great games to play inside

Pix 'n' Mix

1. Sit down facing eachother with two circle shapes (you can use items you find at home such as towels or a skipping rope) add lots of small soft toys into one of the circles

2. Work together and move all the toys from one circle to the other, you are only allowed to move one toy at a time. How fast can you move the toys?

3. Try moving the toys in different ways such as using your hands whilst on all fours, using your feet whilst sat down, using your feet but keeping one hand in the air!


Soft toys (lots of)

Some towels or skipping rope (to make two circle shapes)

Stopwatch or timer

Lets Go For a Drive

1. Find an object to act as the steering wheel for your car, this could be a cushion, toy or any other small object. Start to move around your space with all players driving in different directions.

2. One person controls the speed of the cars by calling out numbers 1- slow 2 - medium and 3 - fast.

3. Look out for traffic lights, go around a roundabout, drive through a tunnel, up a hill or over some bumps. Be creative with your movements.


A small object to act as your steering wheel

A safe place to move around

Great games to play outside

Find the Fruit

1. An ideal place to play this game is in a large open space however, you can also play it at home on a rainy day. One person starts the game as a 'fruit master' and calls out the name of a fruit.

2. All the other players have to try and find an object that is the same colour as the fruit and bring it back to the fruit master.

3. You can swap roles or try timing yourself to see how quick you can collect the coloured items. The fruit master may also call out the names of two fruits so that you need to bring back two objects.


Safe place to play

Different coloured objects that you can collect and carry

Fish Tails

1. Find a large space that you can run around (the Ocean), this could be a park, garden or even inside if it is safe to run fast. You will need a tea-towel (or a similar item). One player starts as the shark and the others playing are the smaller fish.

2. The smaller fish start by attaching a tail to themselves (hang a tea-towel from your waist, or a pocket) the tail should hang freely. The fish start moving/swimming around the ocean.

3. When the fish are ready the shark tries to chase the fish and catch their tails. If a shark catches your tail keep playing until all tails are caught and then swap roles.


Tea-towels / long socks / small blanket / fabric (the fish tail)

A large space to run (Ocean)

Cannon Ball Fun

1. Place lots of small objects at one end of your space. Players (runners) stand at the other end. One person has a supply of small soft balls (rolled up socks are perfect for this).

2. Players try to run from the start and collect an object, as the players are running try to throw or roll the soft balls to hit them. If a runner is hit they need to go back to the start and try again.

3. If a runner makes it to the end they should collect an object and run it back, see how many objects you can collect in a set time.


Small soft balls (rolled up socks)

Small objects (lots of)

Timer or Stopwatch

Partners and Sponsors

Partners and Sponsors

  • Sport England
    Active Partnerships
    Somerset Business Award Winner
    Somerset Chamber of Commerce
  • Disability Confident
    Somerset Skills & Learning
    Youth Sport Trust
    activity alliance
    Somerset Partnership
    Somerset County Council
  • Avon & Somerset Police
    Homes in Sedgemoor
    Macmillan Cancer Support
    Community Council for Somerset
    Spark Somerset
    YMCA Dulverton Group
  • Department for Work & Pensions
    together team
    Somerset Cricket Board
    British American Football Association
  • Badminton England
    Somerset FA
    British Cycling
    Create Development
    Children in Need
    The Salvation Army
  • Lifeline
    Channel Adventure
    Nova Sports & Coaching
    Somerset Community Foundation
    Sports Coach UK