Early Mover
Great games to play inside
B is for Bubbles
1. You can start this activity whilst sitting, blow your bubbles close to your early mover so they have lots of success in catching the bubbles.
2. As you start to get used to the activity blow the bubbles further away, encouraging your early mover to move before catching the bubbles.
3. Following bubbles are great for visual development and make moving fun.
Bubbles. This activity can be played inside or outside.
Build a Tower
1. Using your stackable objects carefully start to build a tower
2. Take turns to add one object on top of another (you can count the number of blocks as you go)
3. When your tower is complete you can knock it over.
Stackable objects around the house such as blocks, pieces from games, recycling, tupperwear or plastic pots
Building Ships
1. Find a large blanket or something that you can lay on the floor to act as a pirate ship. Put equipment around in different places, you can use large and small toys, clean recycling, rolled up socks, get creative and use different objects.
2. Start the game with everyone standing or sitting on the pirate ship, take turns to move from your pirate ship and collect a piece of equipment. When you have the equipment bring it back to your pirate ship and use it to decorate the ship. You could pretend the equipment is a steering wheel, a sail, some cannons or even pirate treasure.
3. As you move to collect the equipment be careful not to bump into any sharks or stay in the water for too long! Practice walking or crawling along the plank and firing objects from your cannons.
A large blanket (for your pirate ship)
Lots of objects, large and small
It's a Knockout
1. Start by finding some old recycled bottles, its best to use plastic bottles rather than glass ones.
2. Place the bottles at one end of your space. You can line the bottles up or place them in a triangle shape (like traditional bowling). Stand or sit behind a line with all your small balls / screwed up paper / rolled up socks.
3. Taking it in turns see if you can throw the objects and knock-over the recycled bottles. Count how many bottles you have managed to knock down.
Old recycled bottles
Small balls, screwed up paper, rolled up socks
Follow the Leader
1. Stand in front of your early mover and ask them to copy you
2. Make large movements like jumping and crawling. Also try small movements like touching your nose or clapping your hands.
3. Swap positions and see if you can copy your early mover
None needed, just a safe place to play. A park or large open spaces are great for this game.
Row row row your boat
1. Lay cushions and pillows in a rectangle shape (like a boat) on the floor with a small section to sit in the middle
2. Sit opposite your little one, in the middle of your boat. You can be touching feet (or however is comfortable) and hold hands.
3. Sing together (if you are not sure of the song you can find it on YouTube) and rock back and forward:
"Row row row your boat, gently down the stream. Merrily merrily merrily, life is but a dream. Row row row your boat, gently down the stream. If you see a crocodile, don't forget to scream"
None needed, but cushions and pillows are optional extras to build your boat.