RLSS National Pool Lifeguard Qualification (NPLQ)

RLSS National Pool Lifeguard Qualification (NPLQ) Icon

RLSS National Pool Lifeguard Qualification (NPLQ)

Fancy being a Lifeguard? Dry and Wet practical learning, resulting in a professional qualification enabling you to become a lifeguard. Minimum age 16 years, perfect for school leavers.

Quantock Lodge, Over Stowey, Bridgwater, TA5 1HD
everybody1staidtraining@gmail.co.uk / 07794 610305

RLSS National Pool Lifeguard Qualification (NPLQ)

Fancy being a Lifeguard?

The National Pool Lifeguard Qualification is the most widely recognised lifeguard qualification in the UK & Ireland and is a requirement for most lifeguarding jobs in the country.

The Course will start at 9:00am to 17:00pm each day, Wednesday to Sunday, with the final assessment being on Sunday, which will be both Practical and Theory based.


£275.00 for the week (Wednesday - Sunday)

When you join a course at Everybody First Aid & Lifeguard Training, you can start using your new skills right away. We believe in only teaching necessary content, which means everything you learn will be practical and easy to apply. We're very flexible with course times and schedules, so if you can't find something that works for you, simply get in touch.

Lifeguard Course Pre-Requisites

  • Every candidate attending an NPLQ course must be 16-years-old at the time of taking the NPLQ final assessment and be able to:
  • Jump/dive into deep water
  • Swim 50 meters in less than 60 seconds
  • Swim 100 meters continuously on front and back in deep water
  • Tread water for 30 seconds
  • Surface dive to the floor of the pool
  • Climb out unaided without ladder/steps and where the pool design permits

Course content

The NPLQ covers all elements of Pool Rescue Techniques, Lifeguarding Theory, First Aid and CPR. The course is physically demanding and will include swimming to set times, lifting casualties and diving to the deepest part of the swimming pool. Training and assessment for the NPLQ are in three sections and all must be successfully passed to attain the qualification.

Contact everybody1staidtraining@gmail.co.uk or call 07794 610305 to book your place.

Supporting Documents:

rlss-uk-lifeguard-poster.pdf (PDF, 4.5 Mb)

Partners and Sponsors

Partners and Sponsors

  • Sport England
    Active Partnerships
    Somerset Business Award Winner
    Somerset Chamber of Commerce
  • Disability Confident
    Somerset Skills & Learning
    Youth Sport Trust
    activity alliance
    Somerset Partnership
    Somerset County Council
  • Avon & Somerset Police
    Homes in Sedgemoor
    Macmillan Cancer Support
    Community Council for Somerset
    Spark Somerset
    YMCA Dulverton Group
  • Department for Work & Pensions
    together team
    Somerset Cricket Board
    British American Football Association
  • Badminton England
    Somerset FA
    British Cycling
    Create Development
    Children in Need
    The Salvation Army
  • Lifeline
    Channel Adventure
    Nova Sports & Coaching
    Somerset Community Foundation
    Sports Coach UK