Falls Prevention
As you get older, you may find that muscle strength is reduced and you are less steady on your feet. Some movements, such as leaning sideways or turning quickly, can cause a loss of balance. This can begin earlier than you may expect, from your early fifties onwards. To prevent a loss of balance and strength over time, strength-building exercises are recommended.
Falls are the most common accidents for adults and can cause serious injury at any time of life. However, the risk does increase with age and every day in Somerset, around 8 people are admitted to hospital because of a fall and each year in the UK about one-third of people over 65 will fall.
Use the below tabs to help you find more information on how you can stay strong and steady and reduce slips and trips.
There are many things you can do to reduce your risk of falling, including:
- Wearing appropriate, well-fitting footwear
- Being regularly active and doing strength and balance exercises
- Identifying trip hazards such as wires and rugs
- Removing excess clutter
- Knowing where your pets are when moving
- Looking after your eyes and ears and making an appointment to have a sight/hearing test if you're concerned
- Staying hydrated. Try to drink at least 6 to 8 cups of fluid every day, including water
- Making sure you follow a healthy balanced diet and maintain a healthy weight can reduce the risk of falling and of suffering more serious injuries.
For any queries, please email healthenquiries@sasp.co.uk