Funding for Individuals
At SASP we do not provide funding for individuals. We would suggest contacting your sport's relevant National Governing Body for advice, but the below links might also be helpful for you.
National Funding Schemes
The Talented Athlete Scholarship Scheme (TASS) is a Sport England funded partnership between talented athletes, delivery sites and national governing bodies of sport. We work together to bring the best out of our country's most exciting young talent.
TASS helps athletes – aged 16-plus – to balance sport within the rest of their lives, be they in education, training or another form of personal development.
SportsAid supports over 1,000 athletes each year – the vast majority aged 12 to 18 – by providing them with a financial award to help towards training and competition costs. This acts as a real motivational boost as it is often the first recognition they receive outside of their support network. Most of them rely heavily on their parents as they have no other funding.
Local Funding Schemes
STAR (Somerset Trust for Arts and Recreation) is a charity for Somerset children and young people designated as in need.
Our aim is to provide opportunities for children and young people to build and develop resilience through taking part in music, sport, art and recreational activities.
The Bishop Fox's Educational Foundation individual grant can help you achieve your goals in your chosen sport or outward bound activity and can include travel, tuition, materials, equipment and experiences. For those in the Borough of Taunton Deane.
The Sporting Champions scheme from Everyone Active gives talented athletes the opportunity to make use of training support and mentoring sessions to further their burgeoning careers.