Get Started Today
When you're ready to make a change, having options and choosing what's right for you is important. Click on our opportunities below to find out more… and don't forget, these will also be available following your surgery to help you rehabilitate and create an active and healthier future!
Somerset Opportunities and Resources
Somerset Activity and Sports Partnership (SASP) have a great range of opportunities to move more at home and out in the community to support healthier living.
One of those opportunities includes the Somerset Health Walks scheme, a programme of walks suitable for all levels and abilities, including people with reduced mobility or fitness:
We Are Undefeatable Facebook group is a closed group for residents of Somerset to find out what's happening locally, and connect with others living with long term health conditions.
Somerset Moves Activity Finder is a one stop shop for groups and activity classes available to residents of Somerset.
Healthy Somerset is Public Health Somerset's health and wellbeing information.
Age UK Somerset offer falls prevention and other older adult classes for people over 50.
ORCHA Local Health and Care App Finder is developed by clinicians and provides unlimited access to thousands of independent app reviews across various health conditions.
National Resources
Click on the links below to find out more!
Versus Arthritis provides advice, guidance and exercises for healthy joints
NHS offers exercise guidelines and workouts to help improve fitness and wellbeing
10 Today is a series of 10-minute activity sessions to get you moving and mobile for all abilities
Escape Pain is a self-management and coping strategies programme to manage arthritic pain
The Royal Collage of Anaesthetists (RCoA) say:
Having an operation is a major event in someone's life and it's normal for them to feel anxious about it.
Fitter patients who are able to improve their health and activity levels recover from surgery more quickly and with fewer complications. What you do in the time leading up to surgery can have a really big impact on your recovery and long term health.
Our Fitter Better Sooner resources will provide you with the information you need to become fitter and better prepared for your operation.
Use this link to access information, resources and animations: Preparing for surgery – Fitter Better Sooner | The Royal College of Anaesthetists (