Crime Prevention Through Sport Fund - New Funding Phase Launched

Crime Prevention Through Sport Fund - New Funding Phase Launched

Posted: Fri, 6 May 2022 15:13

Crime Prevention Through Sport Fund - New Funding Phase Launched

Avon and Somerset Police continue partnership to release Crime Prevention Through Sport fund with Somerset Activity & Sports Partnership (SASP) and The West of England Sport Trust (Wesport).

The Crime Prevention Through Sport Fund aims to support projects that use sport and physical activity to reduce violence, crime and anti-social behaviour. This fund is for projects that focus on using activity as a tool to engage and support young people up to the age of 25. Applications that use sport in its widest sense including traditional, informal sports and activities will be considered and encouraged to apply.

Together the partners are invested in supporting projects that thoroughly consider all the aims of the fund and those who are future-proofing their work to leave a lasting impact & support for the communities they work with.

In 2021, the Crime Prevention through Sport Fund supported 10 projects across the force area. These partners designed and delivered activity whilst the nation was still under lockdown conditions in England. During this first year of partnership with Avon & Somerset Police we held update calls to monitor effectiveness of the process put in place to make awards and to add more value to the collaboration. By learning from our work in 2021 /22 we are eager to ensure more connectivity with projects delivering in priority locations for the Violence Reduction Units (VRUs) across the force area. To see a report covering the 10 funded projects from 2021 please click here.

Avon and Somerset Police lead for serious violence, Superintendent James Raphael said: "We recognise that whilst enforcement will always play a vital role in the work we do, this isn't the only answer to the issue of serious violence. There are a number of complex issues that might lead a young person to becoming involved in serious violence, and part of our response has always included a programme of education, engagement and diversionary activities targeting those young people most at risk. We're delighted to be working with Wesport and SASP for a second year following the success of the projects last year and we wish to create new opportunities to engage young people in positive activities"

Working collaboratively with the Police, both SASP and Wesport who fulfil the roles of Active Partnerships for the respective areas see this partnership as a longer-term relationship. Sport being used purposefully as a tool to engage young people in positive behaviour is a key focus for both Active Partnerships.

Chief Executive of Wesport Steve Nelson said: "We're pleased to see the Crime Prevention through Sport programme return for 2022. This vital fund will support projects that use sport and physical activity as an engagement tool in some priority areas across the Avon & Somerset Constabulary geography."

Jane Knowles, Chief Executive Officer for SASP said: "Sport can be such a key part of a happy and healthy childhood. It can support young people to have more positive outcomes and attitudes in their lives and help prevent and lessen risky behaviour by young people by providing safe, belonging and supportive environments; positive role models and friends; and a focus during difficult times in their lives. We are delighted to work on this in collaboration with such enthusiastic partners."

For more information about the fund and to download an application pack please visit the following links:

Tags: Crime Prevention, Funding

Partners and Sponsors

Partners and Sponsors

  • Sport England
    Active Partnerships
    Somerset Business Award Winner
    Somerset Chamber of Commerce
  • Disability Confident
    Somerset Skills & Learning
    Youth Sport Trust
    activity alliance
    Somerset Partnership
    Somerset County Council
  • Avon & Somerset Police
    Homes in Sedgemoor
    Macmillan Cancer Support
    Community Council for Somerset
    Spark Somerset
    YMCA Dulverton Group
  • Department for Work & Pensions
    together team
    Somerset Cricket Board
    British American Football Association
  • Badminton England
    Somerset FA
    British Cycling
    Create Development
    Children in Need
    The Salvation Army
  • Lifeline
    Channel Adventure
    Nova Sports & Coaching
    Somerset Community Foundation
    Sports Coach UK