Fun Walking Challenges
#WalkThisMay Challenge
Walking is good for our minds, our bodies and our neighbourhoods and has been a lifeline during the past year, helping people stay active and connected.
As well as the personal benefits we've experienced, lockdown has highlighted the improvements that can be made to congestion and air quality when we drive less. That's why we want people to #WalkThisMay.
By walking the roadmap out of the pandemic, rather than driving it, we can emerge healthier and happier.
Your challenge is to walk for a minimum of 30 minutes a day, every day, for 31 days during May. If you can do more, then that is great. Good luck with your #WalkThisMay challenge. Challenge goes live on 1st May. Log your minutes on the challenges website.
Inclusive Challenges
SASP have produced some inclusive challenges for you to take part in as part of your walks. How many different colours can you see on your walk, can you set yourself a challenge to see six different colours? Or maybe you could pick up some fallen leaves and stones to make a nature picture of your favourite things? Why not take a look at the videos below and give the challenges a go!
Country Walks Bingo
Download the Country Walk Bingo card and when you have completed a "Full House" return it to Stewart Collins at,
Email or
Send via the SASP Facebook page or
Post to SASP, 1st Floor Offices, Castle Business Centre, Castle Road, Chelston Business Park, Wellington TA21 9JQ for a small but useful prize.
Country Walk Bingo Text Edition (MS Word, 33 Kb)
Click here if you would prefer an editable text version